September 20, 2004

Japan's First Ladys-only Tournamet Had its Season Fenale


The first girls-only bass fishing tournament organization called J.L.B.A. (Japan Ladies Bass Assossiation) opened its season-last tournament on Nagato River of Chiba Prefecture, Japan, in Sept. 19th. There was a deadheat battle for the first AOY of J.L.B.A. Chiho Higuchi caught a 660g of bass and said "it was like T.O. caught his last fish at the last minutes on Classic." She came in second last tournament, and this time she won the tourney and received the AOY title.

+J.L.B.A. information can be found at WBSonLINE

Posted by DODGE at September 20, 2004 05:19 PM in Tournament (JPN), GALLERY
